Our Wounds Follow Us on Vacation
Paradise is no longer on the outside because our wounds aren’t going away when we’re on a beach – yes, our wounds follow us on vacation.
Paradise is no longer on the outside because our wounds aren’t going away when we’re on a beach – yes, our wounds follow us on vacation.
Things are so different today, and I’m not talking only about me, things are way different for everyone. Time is moving so fast and situations are condensed. Nothing is dragged out for years anymore.
Continuing to push your desires under the rug will not last, you will inevitably be forced to live them. The choice is ALWAYS yours, but tradeoffs will get more expensive as time goes on.
Opportunities to do what you NEVER thought you could do – make those tough changes that only “other” people are strong enough to make.
If you search the word “intrusion” in the dictionary, it comes up with similar words like “trespass,” “encroachment,” and “invasion.” Those words also hit home for me.
One has to realize that just like life is a total team effort for all of us to thrive, so is healing from trauma.
We all want that support and kindness that we truly deserve, and sometimes it comes from people that you least expect it from.
I couldn’t breathe, my stomach sank to the floor, and I didn’t know where to go or what to do. My mom didn’t protect me and I’m certain my brother was oblivious to the entire scene.
The belief that I had to somehow change, be it within myself or my outside behavior, to make other people happy really taught me that I was not good enough just as I was.
I sometimes feel that if I actually stood up for myself, even at 8 years old, my family would have cowered. I will never know if that’s true, but it feels like that now. It was like a house of cards that I could have knocked down so easily if I knew my real power.
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