If I Was Sick, I Was Completely Useless

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It could be a headache or a cold – all things that inhibit your ability to fully cater to his or her needs. This causes the abuser to suffer a “narcissistic injury.”

Shout Out to The Person Who Wanted to Erase My Memory

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We need to know that we’re not alone, we’re not stupid or weak, we just couldn’t see the relationship for what it was and we didn’t have the voice to speak. It takes time, courage, and the help of friends to open our eyeballs.

I Knew He Loved Me, Although He Couldn’t Say It

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Thinking back, I really did know that he loved me – probably more than he was able to deal with. I believe he loved all of us so much that he didn’t know how to handle it, and in turn, express it.

Out of the Mouths of Babes

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I told him that the last thing in the world I ever want to do is to teach my children that being miserable in a relationship is okay. My son’s response was nothing short of brilliant, he looked at me and said “and yet, that’s exactly what you are doing.”

Goose Was My Best Wingman

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Now things with Goose didn’t start off great. He didn’t trust me…like every single guy I’ve ever dated. I didn’t give him any reason not to trust me, but he didn’t.

The House of Cards

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I sometimes feel that if I actually stood up for myself, even at 8 years old, my family would have cowered. I will never know if that’s true, but it feels like that now. It was like a house of cards that I could have knocked down so easily if I knew my real power.

A Comfortable Hell

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I am really no different from anyone with respect to choosing hell over happy. I’ve been doing it for most of my life. The difference is that I am beginning to connect the dots, to see the roadblocks and how to bring them down.